Thursday, January 2, 2014

Making time for quiet mornings

My favorite part about vacations is waking up early and having coffee with my husband while snugged under blankets on the old sofas we inherited from my parents. The neighborhood has yet to wake up, and it's the perfect time to read, write or plan the day. Even on week days, we both find ourselves out of bed an hour earlier than necessary in order to take advantage of this favorite ritual, before work and obligations take over. Most mornings I'm up even earlier to work out, so that I can still have that quiet time with him after. I always find myself reaching for the snooze button when the alarm goes off, but I've never regretted the decision to get out of bed early in order to carve out this precious time for me. 

Unless you have to be out the door at 7 AM, I highly recommend setting your alarm to wake you up just a half our earlier in order to have a quiet morning. It'll be difficult for the first 30 seconds, but it's worth it. 


  1. I love this! I have tried and failed to get up early and find this time, but this year I am hoping to get my behind in gear. :)

  2. During the work week, I love spending 15-20 minutes to slowly enjoy breakfast (even if it's a bowl of cereal) and catching up on the news. It's not always the best way to start the day when the news is uber depressing, but it's my quiet time that helps me set a calm tone for the day.

  3. It makes such a difference! Take a week to get up 5 minutes early every day, and after a short while it'll just be routine.

  4. This is one of my goals for this year. Set the alarm, wake up a half hour before everyone else and breathe.
